Matter in our surroundings
Matter: • Anything in the universe that (which) has mass (or volume) and occupies (takes or covers) some space is called matter. • We can feel mattel by our five senses. which is feel by our five senses. For ex : Air, food, stones, clouds, stars, planets, animals, a small drop of water, a particle of sand, Chair, almonds, lemon water etc. Note : Love, smell, hate, thought, smell of perfume, Heat, Sunlight are not considered as matter. Note: Smell is not matter, it is a sensation that is triggered by the interaction of matter with our olfactory receptors. • The smell of any matter is due to the Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by them. • When volatile molecules from a substance enter our nose and bind to the receptors in our olfactory epithelium, they send signals to our brain, which we perceive as smell. Physical Nature of Matter or Characteristics of Matter i) MATTER IS MADE UP OF PARTICLES • All the matter are made up of very small indivisible neutral particle c...