
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Solid State

The Solid State:- In solid state the particles are closely packed. These are held together by strong intermolecular force of attraction. These are held at fixed position and can only oscillate about their mean position. These are incompressible and rigid and have short intermolecular distances. They have definite mass, volume and shape. On the basis of the arrangement of their constituent particles solid are classified as:- i. Crystalline solid:- The solid in which the constituent particles i.e (atom, ion or molecule) are arranged in definite geometrical pattern in 3D are called crystalline solid. For ex:- Quartz, Diamonds, salt etc . It has long range order because its constituent particles are arranged over a large distance in a crystals in orderd manner. They are anisotropic in nature i.e some of physical properties like refractive index and electrical conductivity are different in different direction. Crystalline solids have a sharp melting point. It gives a clean cleavage or cut ...